Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hiking and snorkeling in Cyprus

Wanting to do some snorkeling, we headed for the Blue Lagoon on the Northwest side of Cyprus. We were told not to drive, so we thought we'd hike there. It was only a couple of kilometers. As we started from the baths of Aphrodite, a kind goat herder in a very old pickup offered to take us in. The narrow dirt road was steep and full of boulders and huge holes. Our "new friend" spoke only Greek and as all Greeks he spoke with his hands, both of them. As he pointed to the beautiful Mediterranean far below, we eagerly acknowledged the beauty hoping he'd get the hands back on the steering wheel. We were grateful and a bit releaved when we reached our destination. Paul looked at me, knowing darn well what I was thinking and said, "just another adventure".

Final destination, was it worth it? Absolutely!

Starting our trek back to the car. This sign was not at the other end of the road where we had started.

View from the trail.

Two happy hikers

Where's our sheep herder when we needed him?

An extended visit at one of the "fountain's of youth". We're still waiting for the results.

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