Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A trip to Cairo, Egypt

A taxi cab ride from the airport to our hotel. The car had trouble starting and we prayed and crossed our fingers during the 30 minute ride, but at least the price was good.
Egypt is 80-90% Muslim and there are hundreds of mosques in Cairo. Daily prayers are done everywhere, even in the middle of a busy street in Cairo.
On our 35th wedding anniversary, we're riding a camel around prymids that were built over 5000 years ago. The pyramids are truly amazing.
"Mr. Paul, I'll give you 100 camels for the wife. She's good, yes?" Not kidding, he made this offer. Paul counter-offered for 150, but he thought that was a bit high.
"I'm a poor man, only 1 wife right now. We'll have fun, yes?" These are his words, not mine.
The Sphinx, a combination of the wisdom of man and the power of the lion,
protects the 3 pyramids of Giza.
The Khan el-Khalili Bazaar is one of the world's oldest markets. It was called the Turkish Bazaar during the Ottoman Empire. Now it is comprised of many crowed streets in old Cairo.
Bringing their goods to the market on carts.
Spice, herbs and essential oils are still sold at many locations. We tried lotus, frankincense, myrrh, Egyptian oregano and many other spices. The bargaining continued over a cup of tea.
Overloaded carts are pushed through the busy streets of Cairo on their way to the Bazaar.
"Yes, we can fit it into my Taxi."
The view of the Nile from the balcony of our hotel room.

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