Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bourj Hammoud, a little bit of Armenia in Lebanon

Bourj Hammoud is the Armenian section of Beirut. The streets of Bourj Hammoud are lined with shop after shop of jewelers, shoe stores, clothing stores, textiles, and shoe repair stores. Nothing is priced, so everything is negotiable. The American accent doubles the price, but being Armenian takes a little off that elavated price. We are slowly developing our bargaining skills.

Rue d'Armenie, the main street leading into Bourj Hammoud is also called Yerevan Highway, depending on which map you are using.

Arax Street is closed to traffic, therefore this is the safest place to walk in all of Beirut. Little shops line each side of the street waiting for your business.

A stop to buy Schwarma, Paul's favorite for lunch.
(a Lebanese sandwich made with chicken or lamb, vegetables, yogurt and rolled in flat bread)

Our own "family" jeweler. For those who don't know, my granny's maiden name was Balabanian.

The best Armenian restaurant in Beirut, Mayrig ( "mother" in Armenian), is located in this building. We can't even begin to describe the food. It's out of this world.

Inside view of Mayrig.

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